Bella Loves Her Step2 Great Gourmet Kitchen!

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Hi Socialites! My baby girl is 3 years old!!! Where has the time gone? *sobbing and wailing* Ok, now that that’s over, I wanted to share with y’all the birthday gift that put my talkative toddler into such a state of shock that she literally had no words: The Step2 Great Gourmet Kitchen!   A Little Back Story Sometime when Bella was still 1, theRead Now

Publix: My Favorite One-Stop-Shop for All Things Home & Family


Hey y’all!  If you’ve been a reader for a while, you know by now that my ultimate addiction (outside of coffee) is shopping! Nothing makes me feel better than scoring a major deal in a store, or clicking add to cart…know what I mean? As a busy wife and mom, I have to make the most of my shopping time, and make sure that myRead Now

Keeping Your Child Safe On The Internet


Hi socialites!  I’m going to be a little candid here and say that being a mother, while wonderful and rewarding, can also be really nerve-wracking!  It’s amazing how my little girl has quickly become the center of my life, and how ensuring her happiness, well-being, and safety are top priorities for me. And believe me, I worry about her safety more than I would likeRead Now

New Mom Must Haves!


On February 24, 2016, I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Bella Rae Stanfield. Pregnancy was so rewarding and fulfilling for me, and I enjoyed every moment of it! Like most new moms,  I stockpiled soooo many things: Literally everything on the shelves at Target went on my registry! Being completely, honest, I didn’t use the majority of items that I thought were new mom mustRead Now