4 Quarantine Jobs That You Can Do For Your Lawn

The COVID-19 pandemic has single-handedly put the world on lockdown, as countries try to limit the spread of the virus by enforcing social distancing measures. It’s now extremely important that, wherever possible, people try to stay at home, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t do some DIY lawn care. If you’re lucky enough to have nice yard to escape into this quarantine, then here are 4 jobs that you could be getting on with.

quarantine Image Credit: Pexels, Free to Use Licence 

Weed, feed and seed your lawn

Does your lawn look a little worse for wear? Well now is the perfect time to give it the TLC that it deserves by removing any weeds, giving it a good feed and sowing in some fresh grass seed to fill in any thin patches. Larger weeds can be pulled up by hand and there are a number of Weed & Feed varieties of lawn food that will handle any that remain, whilst simultaneously giving your lawn the boost of nutrients it needs. Finally, grab yourself some grass seed from somewhere such as Amazon, and then sprinkle into any thin or bald patches of your lawn. 

Fix up your fence

Over winter, our garden fence will often take a battering from high winds and storms and so may now be looking a little worse for wear. If you’re in quarantine then try to fix any fallen fencing yourself, or if contractors are still working where you live then try to find the top fencing builders and installers in your area and get a quote for the repair of any damage. Even if your fence still looks in relatively good condition, it could always benefit from a re-paint or anti-rot treatment to keep it looking its best over the summer months and into the years to come.

Pressure clean your patio 

Patios can grow a layer of lichen and moss very quickly, especially over the damp winter months. Give them a clean by pressure washing away this dirt, grime, and debris to reveal the true color of your patio stone and to provide you with a clean space to enjoy as the weather begins to warm up. If you don’t have a pressure washing then a hose, some grass friendly detergent, and a brush will do the same job with a little extra elbow grease. 

Nurture nature

Finally, although not necessarily a job, another thing that you may want to do in your garden during quarantine is to create a better home for nature. This is a great activity to do with children and can help you to teach them about the animals that live on their doorstep and the importance of looking after wildlife. Why not put up a birdfeeder and try to count the number of different birds that come to feed? Or you could create your own little natural garden pond as a haven for newts, toads, and frogs to escape the heat in the summer months.

What are some of the tasks you plan to do around your home in the next few weeks?



Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. Thank you for sharing your article

  2. […] you want to spruce up your lawn, there are a few simple steps you can take. First, make sure that you mow your lawn regularly. This […]

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