7 Minute Calorie Burner Bootcamp

Hey Socialites! Every now and then, life smacks you in the face. For me, it’s the fact that I have a lot of sponsored travel coming up, and my stomach and thighs are in need of their own zip code.

Seriously though…there’s nothing like being faced with a tropical climate as motivation for getting into [somewhat decent] shape. The problem is, I’m totally lazy! Working two jobs (career and blog) keeps me in a constant state of exhaustion, and when I get home in the evenings, it’s all I can do to not sink into the couch and rot.

Enter the solution: A quick, 7 minute calorie burner bootcamp designed to ignite your metabolism and torch some serious calories! Sounds promising, right?

The Plan

Since I’m super nice and all ??‍♀️, I’m going to share this awesome 7 minute calorie burner bootcamp with all of you. And I’m going to follow along, and hopefully reveal at least a 10 pound loss at the end of it all. I’ll include some standard blogger shots of me working out along the way, cuz everyone else does it. LOL. If y’all want to form an accountability group on Facebook, email me at WorkoutWithSS@gmail.com and we’ll get it poppin’!

The Workout

I’m including 2 videos. The first one is a little simpler and I think it’s a great one to start off with, especially if you’re like me. (I get out of breath just watching people work out!) The 2nd video is for the intermediate to advanced, or for those who like a little more of a challenge. Let’s get started!



If you try this 7 minute calorie burner bootcamp, let me know how it works for you! Be sure and email me at WorkoutWithSS@gmail.com if you want to be a part of my accountability group, and share tips, tricks, meal plan ideas, and progress pics! Have fun, be safe, stretch, and drink your water!

See you next time!



Sandals Negril Beach Resort & Spa


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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