Hey Socialites! The countdown to Black Friday has begun! While it’s no secret that I shop year round (lol), I try to take advantage of major deals whenever I can, so Black Friday, with all of its chaotic-ness is right up my alley! The crazy crowds and the gotta get it right now energy can be overwhelming to many shoppers, but I promise that ifRead Now
Holiday Shopping at National Pawn
19 CommentsHappy Monday Socialites! We are getting closer and closer to the holiday season, and all of the gift giving (and food!) that it entails! I’m a planner by nature, so I always try to figure out the best one-stop shopping destinations for the entire family. One of my favorite places to do my holiday gift shopping is at National Pawn! Consistency & Community National PawnRead Now
Father’s Day Gifts Your Dad Will Love
Leave a commentIs anyone else excited for Father’s Day? ??♀️ I cannot wait to celebrate my hubby, who is THE best dad I know, as well as my father, and my brothers-in-law! Shopping for thoughtful Father’s Day gifts is so stress free for me now thanks to online shopping! There are so many unique gifts you can get online for the men in your life: everything fromRead Now
Valentine’s Day Gift Guide: Bestie Edition
21 CommentsHi Socialites! I’m super excited about this post today, because I love all things girly, and I love being able to share this love with my gal pals! As I shared in this post, Valentine’s Day is highly commercial, but it’s also just another day for you to express your love, and make someone else feel thought of, and appreciated. Last year (late to theRead Now
Red Hot Looks for Valentine’s Day
13 CommentsHi Socialites! This post marks the kickoff of my Valentine’s Day series! I know that Valentine’s Day is one of those controversial holidays in that 50% of people love it (and expect gifts!) and 50% of people think it’s just an overly commercialized holiday/cash grab. I’m in the camp that’s in the middle: I love getting flowers and chocolates, but it’s not a big dealRead Now
The Best Peppermint Hot Chocolate Recipe
32 CommentsPicture it! (I sooo said that in my best Sophia from Golden Girls voice) It’s icy cold outside, and slightly misty. The day is fading to dusk, and all you can think about is making a steamy mug of rich hot cocoa to warm your body and soothe your soul! Hot Cocoa is always my go-to winter treat, but around the holidays, I like toRead Now
Holiday Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffers
36 CommentsShopping for stocking stuffers is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season! Stocking stuffers tend to be less expensive than big ticket items, but they are still totally useful and often a welcome surprise for the recipient! I try to pick out cute little trinkets that reflect my loved ones personalities, or buy really cute versions of items that people really need, butRead Now
Holiday Gift Guide: Gift Boxes for Everyone!
45 CommentsIt’s Mid-December! Some of you are rejoicing; happy that you’ve already accomplished all of your shopping. The stockings are hung by the chimney with care, and all of your gifts are already (carefully) wrapped and alphabetized by name of the recipient. Or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, you’re realizing that you’ve gotten no shopping done (except for that sweater you picked up forRead Now
My Favorite Winter Perfume + Holiday Giveaway!
34 CommentsHi Socialites! I’d like to start this post by thanking each and every one of my readers for sharing their thoughts and opinions on my Holiday Budget post! I’m glad that I was able to help some on their quest to keep their pockets semi-full this holiday season, and I myself will be using some of the tips that were shared in the comments! MyRead Now
Beautiful Holiday Cards
19 CommentsTis the season to be jolly…and thoughtful! Nothing warms my heart more than to open up the mailbox and find a beautiful holiday card inside! The holiday season is one that everyone can get excited about and spread a little comfort and cheer! Whether you celebrate Hanukkah (like me!), Kwanzaa, or Christmas, there is a card for every occasion! I love receiving beautiful cards thatRead Now