Getting A Little More Use Out Of That Unused Guest Room

A lot of us are dealing with the fact that we have a guest room that isn’t going to be welcoming guests any time soon. Who knows how long it will be before we can all socialize and gather like we used to, but for the next couple of months at least, we’re going to find a few new uses for the underutilized room. Here are a few suggestions worth following.

Guest room Pic Source – CC0 License

Make it into a home office

A lot of people have found themselves suddenly having to become remote workers. This can be a challenge, especially when it becomes clear that the home isn’t always the best place to get work done, with all the distractions abound. As such, you should look at these 21 tips for making a perfect home office that offers the space, focus, and practicality you need.

Turn it into storage

Find that the clutter of the home is becoming more unbearable than ever? Have trouble keeping everything in the bedroom organized? These top 5 tips for organizing a guest room closet can help you make use of the space currently being underutilized without having the change the function of that space at all. Furthermore, a little extra storage in the guest room will remain practical long after we’re all out of self-isolation. So long as you leave a little space for your guests to make some use of it, as well, of course.

Create a home gym

A lot of us might have taken for granted how easy it was to exercise outside of the home, be it at the gym, the local park, or a class we attended. Now, it’s not recommended you get out for exercise more than once a day, which simply isn’t practical for a lot of us. But you can get that perfect body without a moment in the gym by ordering just a few pieces of equipment to create your own home gym. With a kettlebell and a cross-trainer, you can complete a whole fitness routine from the comfort of your home.

Your place to relax

We all find ourselves spending a lot more time with the family for better or worse. While it’s important to find ways to quell boredom and manage stress with the people that you live with, it’s also important to have your own space. For that reason, creating a little reading nook in the guest room could allow everyone an isolated space that can be used for reading, meditation, crafting, or whatever other stress-busting hobbies you get into over the coming weeks. Just make sure that everyone gets the time and opportunity to make use of it.

You don’t want to completely renovate or redecorate the guest room because this crisis will be over before too long. It’s already slowing down in some parts of the world that were hit first. However, for now, since we’re all stuck at home, we may as well ensure we get as much use out of it as possible.


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. […] wall. Additionally, you could always ask your guests what sort of things they would like to see in the guest room that you are […]

  2. Having a designated workspace is essential when you’re working from home. However, if you don’t have that luxury, you can always take advantage of a coworking space. By the way! A study by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that participants said they were more productive (89.1%) and better able to concentrate (71.9%) in a coworking space than when working from home.

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