Making Sure Your Downtime is Effective

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We all lead such busy lives what with parenting our children and earning a living that it can feel like we do not have very much downtime at all, which is why we should all be making a real effort to ensure that any downtime we do have is as effective as it can possibly be.

Regular downtime is so important because it enables us to unwind, de-stress and take some precious time for ourselves, or at least that’s what it should do! Sadly, many of us are not using our downtime as effectively as we could, and that is bad news for our mental health and wellness.

The good news is, there are lots of things you can do to change that and ensure any downtime you do have is working hard to keep you cool, calm, and relaxed, and you can find some of the most effective tips below…

Make a regular appointment

If you want your downtime to be as effective as possible. You should schedule it regularly, ideally at the same time. This will not only ensure that you do not skip your downtime, but it will also mean you always have something to look forward to, so when you’re stressed out or struggling, you have something to hold on to.

Make it family time

If you have a family, spending more time with them is a great way to make the most of your downtime as you will be able to not only relax but also bond with the people closest to you, which is vital for good health and wellness. So, whether you play a board game with the kids, arrange a family movie night, or simply sit together reading in the same room, make more of your downtime family time if you want it to work for you.

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Make it fun

Your downtime is your free time, so you should also aim to pack as much fun into it as possible. If meditating isn’t your thing, but slot games with real money prizes are, there is no reason why you should not do the thing that you truly enjoy, Life is too short to do the things you think you should to achieve wellness, and actually doing the things that you find the most fun, even if they are not traditionally relaxing, is always going to be better for you than doing something you consider more worthy.

Spend more time with people you love

As well as spending more time with family, if you want your downtime to be as effective as possible, you should spend more of it with friends and people who love and support you. We all need a shoulder to cry on from time to time, and spending more time with loved ones is a great way to get mental and emotional support, stave off loneliness, and best of all, spend our time laughing and having a lot of fun. If you are serious about using your downtime successfully, connection is the key.

Turn off the tech

Okay, so you may not want or be able to do without your tech all of the time, but when it comes to downtime, if you can switch off, stop looking at screens, answering emails, and mindlessly scrolling, and do something that is more connected to the real world instead, you will undoubtedly feel much better for doing so.

Technology has been a great boon to us all, but it can also make us anxious, stressed out, envious, and cause us to be less than healthy. So, moderation is key and our downtime is the perfect time to practice it.

Learn something new

Of course, downtime can be productive too, and one of the best ways to spend your relaxation time is by learning a new skill. Whether you take up the learning of a new language or you start a crafting project, picking up a new skill is a great way to boost your self-esteem, increase your opportunities and enjoy your free time in a way that is both productive and enjoyable. Just be careful to choose a skill that will not make you feel wound up or stressed out as that will have the opposite effect to what you’re looking for.

Don’t waste your precious downtime doing nothing or doing the wrong things; do what you can to make it as relaxing, enjoyable and life-enriching as you possibly can and you will feel so much happier and healthier if you do.


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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