My Favorite Podcasts

Hi Socialites! ?? My post today is going to be a little different from the normal fashion & beauty posts, because I wanted to share my favorite podcasts with you guys!

I got into podcasts when I first got my iPhone 6S Plus (a little old now, I know!) and began actually paying attention to all the apps that came standard. I decided to listen to my first Podcast (I still remember it! It was called How Stuff Works), and a whole new world was opened for me! I can’t even remember the last time I listened to music or the radio while I’m in the car! Nowadays I’m listening to a podcast during my 30 minute work commute. So without further adieu, here’s my list!

1. Style Collective: Becoming Fearless Podcast. I’m a member of Style Collective, but I would love this podcast no matter what! Hosted by the incomparable Annie Spano, a true GirlBoss and founder of Style Collective, Becoming Fearless is updated every Monday, and features career focused and motivated commentary by women at the top of their fields! This podcast is sooo inspiring, and I love to listen before work, to give me that extra oomph I need to start my day!

Becoming Fearless Podcast

2. The Classy Career Girl Podcast. This is another great motivational podcast! The host and speakers are so relatable and warm, and give you tips on career building, changing careers, and entrepreneurship. It’s updated on Sunday’s, so this is always good to help you get started on the right foot each Monday! (For more tips, check out this post!)

The Classy Career Girl Podcast

3. Stuff You Missed In History Class. I am a huge history buff, so naturally I downloaded this podcast when I stumbled upon it during a search. The hosts are engaging and full of facts and stories about people outside of the history books, but who were right in the middle of the action. Lots of useless facts too, if you like that sort of thing, which I do! ?

History Podcast

4. TED Talks Daily. This is my go-to whenever I want a more professional, lecture type listening experience. The topics are sooo interesting, and a wide span of interests are covered. These can sometimes be a little political (and left leaning) so be warned! The TED talks on Love are my faves! ❤️

5. Stuff You Should Know AKA How Stuff Works. This podcast will answer your questions about everything! (And I do mean everything. The other day I listened to “How Giraffes Work!”) With topics ranging from super volcanoes, corsets, and why men have nipples, there is something here to please all listeners! The hosts are engaging, and you can tell they have fun with the subject matter! Love this one!

Stuff You Should Know Podcast

I hope you guys enjoyed my favorite podcasts, and I hope you’ll download and listen…if you aren’t already!  If you have some favorite podcasts that you think I’d enjoy based on the ones I shared here, drop me a comment below! I’d love your recommendations!

See ya next time!

Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited US

Ann Taylor

Francesca’s Collections


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. Love your blog

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      Thank you so much! ?

  2. You just saved my kids from a boring History lesson today! Thanks.

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      Glad to be of service! LOL. Thanks so much for reading! ?

  3. I don’t listen to enough podcasts, this is super helpful, I need to start!

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      Glad I could help! You’ll love them once you find the Podcast that’s perfect for you!

  4. I love hearing about what podcasts everyone is listening too. I also listen to and love Becoming Fearless. I’m definitely going to add a few of these to my queue so I can check them out.

    Great post!

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      Glad you liked it! Thanks so much for reading! #scsisters ?

  5. I usually never listen to podcasts ,but after seeing ur blog , i feel its good to listen to it. and thank you so much for this wonderful information

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      Thank you so much! I hope you find one that you’ll enjoy!

  6. Love stuff you missed in history class! Podcasts are great when you’re like me and drive a lot!

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      Yes! I’m a social worker, so I’m always in my car. Thankful to have something good to listen to! Thanks for reading! ?

  7. I might play one of these when I get a minute soon, they all sound good

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      I think you’ll enjoy them! Thanks for reading! ?

  8. Have you ever listened to the Lady Gang?! I love it! Becoming Fearless is a fav of mine, too!

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      No I haven’t! I will have to check that one it as well. Thanks for the recommendation! ?

  9. Thanks for sharing. I now have a few new podcasts to listen to !

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      You’re welcome! ? Hope you enjoy!

  10. this is reallyy good articl and helpfull thnx for this

  11. Good post

  12. Very cool. I always think it is refreshing when bloggers take a stab at something not totally “in” their niche.

  13. I was recently researching new podcasts and your blog gave me some fresh ideas! YES!

  14. I love TED Talk. Yes! Some of them are quite boring, but most of them are very information. In fact, all of their talks are from people with great reputation in their niches. Therefore, it is always nice to watch them. Nice work!

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      I agree! Thanks so much for reading! ?

  15. OMG I’m obsessed with podcasts right now. You should listen to The Influencer Podcast. She teaches so much about the blogging industry!

    xo, Ilse

    1. TheSuburbanSocialite

      I just subscribed! Thanks so much for the recommendation!

  16. I don’t really get to listen to podcasts too much, but these all sound so good! I’ll definitely be looking into them!

    xoxo, Nat

  17. Interesting, i would recommend you to try Freakonomics

  18. How did I not know about the Ted talks podcast? After reading this, I’m going to check it out!

  19. thanks thanks thanks
    i just love Stuff You Should Know AKA How Stuff Works podcast.

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