Small Changes That Make a Big Difference to Your Home

Most of us like our homes to look nice. We invest a great deal of our time and money trying to get them just as we want. We invest in things that protect our houses, and keep them safe and warm, such as insulation and security features. But, we also give a lot of thought to the decor. We want our houses to reflect our personalities and suit our style. We want to feel safe and comfortable in them when we get home after a long day at work. But, we also want to feel proud to invite other people in. Our houses need to be our sanctuary from the world, but also ready to impress guests. It’s a big ask, and it’s no wonder that we take our time to get things right, or that we can be a little fussy. But another issue is that we get bored. Most of us spend a significant amount of time in our houses. More so if you work from home, or stay at home to raise your children. While other people might love your house, and it might be in excellent condition, when you see it’s decor and features every day, they quickly start to lose their sheen. That’s when you need to make some smaller changes, that will be a big impression, like these luxurious additions.

Clean Your Windows

Natural light has such a massive effect on your home. It makes everything look cleaner and brighter, gives everything a freshness that you’ll never get if you are looking out at the world through murky glass. And it can even improve the air quality in your house and boost your mood by helping you to get more vitamin D. Now, you can make significant changes, like installing French windows to get more natural light into your house. But, the smallest way to do it is simply cleaning your windows regularly.

Change Your Flooring

We don’t notice our floors. We walk on them every day, they make up a considerable part of our rooms, but we don’t give them a second thought day to day. Getting new carpet from can make your flooring softer and more comfortable, it can help to remove germs, bacteria and dust, and it can completely change how your rooms look.

If a new carpet isn’t an option, consider adding area rugs to large open spaces for an easy change.

Add Fresh Flowers


Fresh flowers can make a massive difference to any home. They add color and draw people’s focus. They are a talking point and can highlight a color scheme that you might be using in your room. They can even make musty spaces smell nicer and fresher.

Choose A Color Scheme

If you’ve always been guilty of just buying things that you like without thinking about what matches or will work with what you’ve already got, chances are things look a little messy. You don’t need to make big changes or spend a fortune on new furniture. Just choose a few colors that work well together, and start buying accessories, soft furnishings and wall hangings that fit your scheme. Things will quickly begin to look more cohesive.  


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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