Spending Money To Save Money

Most of you reading this will be thinking… what?! You can save money by spending money!? Well folks, it’s true. There are certain things that you can do that will involve spending money to save money. Don’t get us wrong, we aren’t saying that a shopping trip to your favourite clothing store is going to save you money, no no, you’ll definitely still be wasting money there. But what we do have for you is a list of things you can do that’ll mean you’re saving some money along the way. Afterall, every little helps when it comes to money!

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Reward Cards

Reward cards are an excellent way of spending money to make money in the long run. They work by giving you a certain percentage of the money you’ve spent back, or they give you money off once you’ve spent over a certain amount. For example, an uber credit card gives you money off the food you eat when using their credit card. Credit cards however are a bit risky, so you do have to make sure you’ve got some self control going on. It is so easy to think that what you’re using is free money, but trust us, it will come back to bite you on the bum eventually. Store cards are another way of getting money off things when you spend. A lot of them offer discounts when you spend over a certain amount of money through their store card, or send you emails with monthly cashback offers.

Household Bills

Household bills are a nightmare for most people. They’re something they have to pay out each month, the major thing that seems to take all of the money from a paycheck. But did you know there are ways of spending your money through certain companies that will lead you to eventually save money. That’s right! All you need to do is check out comparison websites and see which companies offer cashback deals, sort of like the stores that offer cash back offers through a store card. Some do rewards for the amount of energy or water you save each month. For example, they could set you a $50 water limit a month. Meet it or beat it, and they’ll give you money back!


Renovations are a way to actually spend money to make money, rather than save it. A renovation makes a room modern, fresh, and looks all round nice. All you need to do is find out which renovation is the best for you, and make sure you’re getting the right kind of deal as well. A lot of contractors charge people through the nose for a renovation that isn’t even going to make them much money. Make sure you’re going with someone trusted, and make sure it is going to increase your home’s value in the long run. You could also consider something like an extension. This is a surefire way of making more money in the long run.

Now we hope you can go and spend money to save money!


See you next time!


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