Fight The Flakes With These Anti-Dandruff Hacks

Are you regularly plagued by white flakes in your hair? These aren’t something to be alarmed of; they are just a sign that you have dandruff. This is a condition of the hair and scalp that affects around 50% of people and causes the top layer of skin on the scalp to flake off slowly. As a result, these little flakes are very visible in the hair and could even case a very fine layer of flakes on your shoulders. Obviously, it’s not a very good luck!

Thankfully, though, dandruff isn’t harmful and there are plenty of ways to treat it. Here are just a few of them.


Use Shampoos With Tea Tree Oil

It could be worth changing your shampoo if you do find that you have dandruff. In fact, you should take a look for some shampoo that contains tea tree oil. This natural oil is used as a home remedy for a variety of ailments, including acne, and it has also been shown to have positive results with dandruff.

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Reduce Your Stress

Did you know that high stress levels is one cause of dandruff? It’s true! So, if you have been stressed at work recently, you might be a lot more likely to notice white flakes in your hair. The best way to deal with stress-related dandruff is to focus on your stress levels. Try to bring them down if possible so that your mind and body can relax a lot more.


Try Coconut Oil

The best way to beat this problem is to fully understand the causes of dandruff, the main one of which is a dry scalp. Sometimes a dry scalp is caused by external factors, like the high stress levels that I mentioned above, but more often than not it is our genes that determine the dryness of our scalp. If you have a naturally dry scalp, then it is a good idea to massage in some coconut oil every few days. This can add a high dose of moisture to it, which should instantly reduce the appearance of white flakes in your hair.

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Take An Aspirin

Not only is aspirin a great painkiller, but it is also used to treat inflammation. That’s because it has high levels of salicylic acid in it. This type of acid has a few different properties, one of which is preventing dandruff. In fact, it’s often found in some anti-dandruff shampoos. So, if you wake up with a case of dandruff one day, it’s a good idea to pop an aspirin for a quick solution.

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Olive Oil is loaded with antioxidants that keep the scalp healthy. It is bursting with vitamins A and E and other vital nutrients that combat the ill effects of chemical based hair and styling products It is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids which coat the abused outer layer of the hair, transforming it into silky, shiny locks you love. It is a natural moisturizer and hair softener. Moreover it helps to get rid of Dandruff within no time ✔️ *Health Octo Remedies are extremely effective and the results are highly evident. In case of sensitive skin consult a dermatologist * . . . #healthocto #naturalremedies #oliveoil #dandruff #hairtips #naturalhairtips #haircareroutine #healthyhair #haircarejourney

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Eat Foods High In Omega 3s

People who regularly suffer from dandruff should increase their intake of foods that are high in Omega 3s. This includes the likes of nuts, oily fish, and chia seeds. Omega 3 is necessary for good skin health and eating more of it should clean up your dandruff in no time at all.

These are just a few natural tips for dealing with dandruff. You’ll be swinging your shiny, flake free hair in no time!


See you next time!


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.


  1. Truly a beautiful and useful post. Many thanks for giving such an informative post.

  2. Great advice the Olive oil and ginger works better plus it doesn’t stink

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