How To Always Have Something To Look Forward To

The last couple of years has been pretty hard on us all. It really does seem that the world is lurching from one crisis to another, and it is little wonder that people all over the globe are experiencing mental health issues. 

While it won’t make everything disappear, having something to look forward to can really help to lighten your mood and make you feel just a little bit more positive. As much as we would all love to constantly have a dream vacation, perhaps to the Venice Beach Hotels, to look forward to, it just is not feasible for everyone. So, how do you make sure that you always have something to look forward to?
Let’s take a look.

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Put everything on your calendar or in your diary, no matter how small it seems

That new show that you want to watch on Netflix? That movie with your favorite actor? Put their release dates on your calendar? Bought a new face mask that you want to try out? Schedule a time and date for it and mark it down on your calendar. The same goes for that weekly phone call with your grandmother, that coffee with your best friend and every other event. It seems like more of a big deal if it is written down, and when you look at your calendar, you’ll be reminded of all the fun things you have coming up, no matter how insignificant they seem.

Keep some things for special occasions

This is a bit of a tough one. On one hand, recent events have shown us that life is far too short to save things for best, and if something brings you joy, you should use them as often as you can – we all need as much joy in our lives as possible. On the other hand, we risk making some things seem less special by having them regularly. You know how Christmas is special because it’s only once a year? Think of it like that. Keep a couple of things back and use them for best and savor the pleasure you get from them.

Make your weekends feel special

This can be difficult if you own a business, work on weekends or even if you work from home – the distinction between home and work can become very blurred, and your weekends feel non-existent. Even if you aren’t working, you can sometimes get to Sunday night and wonder what you have done that weekend. Make sure you do something purposeful every weekend – whether that is relaxing and indulging in some self-care or cramming it full of excitement.

Look at the long term

While it feels pretty difficult to make long-term plans at the moment, thinking about where you want to be a year, five or even ten years down the line and putting plans into place – even if it is just writing your dreams and hopes down – can give you a bit of excitement and something to look ahead to.

How do you make sure you always have something to look forward to?



Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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