Skincare Tips For Specific Skin Types

Your skin care routine should be based on the type of skin you have. This is important to ensure that the method you follow is effective. The first thing you need to do is determine what type of skin you have. Once you have done this you can then decipher what kind of skin care methods are going to be the best for you specifically. That is exactly what this article is here to help you with.

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What is your skin type?

Normal – Normal skin type is essentially skin that is not too dry but is also not too oily. You’re skin also won’t be overly sensitive or have many visible pores. Normal skin boasts very few imperfections and you will likely have a radiant complexion.

Dry – Dry skin can look dull and somewhat rough. Individuals will be susceptible to more visible lines and red patches. This type of skin is less elastic.

Oily – Oily skin is the opposite from dry skin in the sense that complexion will be thick and the skin can look shiny. Individuals are likely to have enlarged pores and they will be prone to blackheads, pimples, and other blemishes. A lot of people find that these effects become worse when stressed or exposed to too much heat.

Combination – This is the most common skin type. This relates to skin whereby some parts are normal, whereas other points may be dry or oily. A lot of people note that their skin is normal yet they have an oily T-zone. Combination skin can lead to blackheads, overly dilated pores, and shiny skin.

How To Care For:

Normal Skin 

This is the least problematic skin type and so your standard cleaning, nourishing and moisturizing procedure will be more than enough. Remember to be mindful about the products you use.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is prone to fast aging, irritation, and flaking and therefore you need to opt for a more thorough skin care procedure. Rich and natural skin care products, for instance, extra-virgin coconut oil, are recommended. A lot of experts recommend washing with sparkling water. Mild cleansing milk or herbal infusions are advised for cleansing.

Oily Skin

This type of skin requires focus on removing excess oil rather than nourishing. Non-greasy moisturizers are essential. Face masks incorporating papaya, clay or yogurt are recommended. The reason why hydrating ingredients are recommended is that they aid with the drying process.

Combination Skin

Finally, combination skin requires that you pay particular attention to the oily areas, such as the T-zone mentioned earlier. Use a toner for this and a pore minimizing mask is advised as well.

You can may also want to look at skin care advice for specific skin issues. You can get dark spot treatments and acne treatments. You can also get treatments if you have severely dry or oily skin too.

It is worth noting that, no matter what type of skin you have, you should definitely seek a regular facial. Beauticians will ensure your skin gets all of the nutrients it needs so that it looks youthful and radiant. This is why a bespoke facial is the best option to go for in particular. The treatment will be altered to suit your skin.



See you next time!


One comment

  1. Very good and helpful article, Amber, but let me give you another piece of advice.
    Don’t forget that you really should use sunscreen every day regardless of your age, skin type, and the season. Solar exposure is bad for the skin and causes wrinkles, age spots, and even skin cancer. It should especially not be neglected if you have any scars on your face, for example, after plastic surgery or acne. As it said here, UV rays can damage them and make them more visible.

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