The Perks Of Living In A Flat

living in a flatImage

When we grow into adulthood and look to build a life for ourselves out there in the world, the first thing we likely think about is buying our own place. Living in a home of our own as adults is the single most freeing feeling in the world, but many of us can’t seem to afford a mortgage in the current climate. You have likely heard your parents, friends and bob on the street telling you that renting is dead money and a waste of time… however is that really true? Today we are going to have a look at some of the real benefits of renting a flat or apartment which you never thought of before.

It’s affordable

The first and most inviting thing about renting a space instead of paying for a mortgage is the fact that you will be able to move in right away without saving for over a year for a deposit. You won’t have any solicitor fees, Home buyers reports or stamp duty to think about because that is not your responsibility. You can simply move in and start paying rent and it will allow you to start living your adult life right away.

You have freedom

Being in your own house for the first time after moving out of your parents place will feel odd, but it will also be the most freeing thing in the world. You no longer have to do you chores at a certain time, you can walk around in your pants, and you can eat a takeaway whenever you feel like one because you make the rules! What could be better than pizza on demand?

You can be flexible

A lot of the time what stops people from buying a house in their twenties and thirties is the fact that they will be tied down to that contract for 20-35 years. Of course you can sell within that time, but it is a big commitment to make if you haven’t even decided what you are doing with your life yet. If you want the freedom to travel and change your lifestyle at a seconds notice, renting offers the freedom and flexibility to do that because you aren’t tied down. You can simply stop paying rent and find somewhere else.

You don’t have to pay for repairs

When you become a homeowner some of the biggest costs and issues you will have to face are repairs and any renovation work you want to do in the home. However when you are living in a flat you don’t have to worry about any of that because Property maintenance will cover everything for you.

The amenities are great

Depending on what type of building you live in, you could have access to things like a pool, a gym, a garden and even a spa if it is a super luxury living spot. There are so many great benefits that you can enjoy for free when you live in an apartment block so it can actually save you money in your lifestyle.


One comment

  1. You are right but I think living in flat is not a good idea.

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