Home Security 101

Home security is something any homeowner needs to be concerned with. Your home is probably the biggest investment you have ever made, and so it is critical that you do everything you can to safeguard it. Of course, it is sad that we need to go to such measures to protect what is ours, but it is certainly not worth taking the risk. So, with that in mind, read on to discover more about the home security basics we all need to follow…

home securityhttps://images.pexels.com/photos/792034/pexels-photo-792034.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350

Make sure your locks are modern and secure your windows – The first thing you need to do is make sure your door and window locks are secure. If you have not had your locks changed for a good few years, it is unlikely that they are going to provide you with optimal security. Simply changing your locks to a new alternative will ensure the chances of your property being a target of crime are reduced, and you may be able to get your insurance premiums lowered in the process too.

The best thing to do is a bit of digging online so you can find a quality locksmith in your local area. They will be able to advise you on the most modern systems, which burglars find incredibly difficult to breach.

Create a ‘before you leave the house’ checklist – This is a good way to ensure you do not forget all of your security checks and procedures before leaving the home, such as turning on your alarm and locking all of the windows.

Stop advertising your holidays on Facebook – In the modern day and age, one of the most common reasons for home break-ins is because the owners have advertised the fact that their property is going to be empty. Don’t tell the whole world that you are going away for the week. Instead, you should post your photographs once you get home.

There are other ways you can make your home seem occupied when you are away. This includes scheduling your lights to come on at specific times, as well as getting your mail redirected to someone else’s house so that it does not build up in your letterbox.

Invest in a security system from a professional firm – It is important to make the most of professional home security services. By enlisting the assistance of professionals, they will ensure you have the right home security camera systems and alarms for your property. Every property is different and has differing requirements, after all. Not only this, but if you go for a cheap generic system, it will be easy to breach.

As you can see, there is a lot that needs to be considered when it comes to home security. However, if you follow the basics that have been discussed above, you can make sure your home is safeguarded at all times so you can reduce the chances of you being a target of theft.



  1. Great Post Amber. The tips you mention in the post are really helpful.

    Our homes should be the most secure places in our lives. This is where we have the family and the most expensive things in our lives such as jewellery, money and credit cards. These are some of the main things that burglars usually look for.

    So, I recently found some useful tips to make your home safe in the following article. (Here is the link: https://mecsecurity.com/news/ways-to-make-your-home-safer/)

    Sorry for the link but I thought it might be helpful.

  2. When it comes to making decisions about your family and how to protect them, you don’t want to take any chances. Instead, you should do everything you can to ensure that your family will be safe now and into the future.

  3. Great post! Thank you for sharing!

  4. A best home security camera is a device that you can use to monitor and/or record activity in your home. There are many different types of home cameras available, including indoor and outdoor cameras, wired and wireless cameras, and cameras that can be accessed and controlled remotely using a smartphone or computer.

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