Making Your Living Room Kid-Friendly

If you have children it is pretty much going to be impossible to have a child-free space in the home. Children tend to take over each part of the house. So as a result, you need to make sure that each part of the house is safe for them to be in. Not only will having some things in place mean that they have a safe room to be in, but it can mean that your decor and furniture won’t get damaged by a kid trying to play with it! You don’t have to compromise on style to have a living space that works well for kids, either. So here are some of the things that you can do to make sure that you have a child-friendly living space that looks just as you want it to as well. 

kid-friendly image

Round Tables

Any sharp corners can cause damage, and even if you don’t mean them to, it can easily happen with a little one running around. Getting rid of any sharp corners in the house is a good idea and choosing furniture like tables that have round edges instead. Of course, kids can still bonk their head on a solid piece of furniture, but a rounded edge can do much less damage than a pointed edge. 

Think about storage

If you are lucky to have space in the home to be a specific playroom, then that is great. The toys can stay there, and not spread everywhere. However, not everyone will have the space for that. Which is why thinking about furniture that can also double up as storage is a good idea. An ottoman footstool can be a good place to hide toys once they’ve been played with, alongside things like getting tables and benches that are solid and also have storage, to put books and other items in. These things can look good, and as you can put toys away, can help your living area to look stylish too.

Kid-friendly flooring

When it comes to children you need to think about what is going to work best with them. Of course, things like carpet can be the most soft, but really, it is the most unhygienic. You could think about getting wooden flooring installed or looking into vinyl flooring installation instead. These kinds of flooring are easier to wipe-clean, and things won’t stain on these kinds of floors as they can with carpet. You can add in rugs and things to make a soft space for children to be, but choose ones that can be washed in your washing machine, which will help a lot. 

Bookshelves secured to the wall

No doubt you will have bookshelves in the living room to display and store books, as well as other trinkets and items. However, children, when they get to a certain age, want to climb anything that is in sight. That is why securing things like bookshelves to the walls is really important. Keeps the children safe, as well as keeping your items on the sleeves secure too. 


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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