Meet Bella

Hi Socialites! Well, I did it. Bella is officially a part of my blogging world.

I was always leery about kids being in the industry. My take on it was that pushy parents made their children get into films, print media, or pageants as a way to live vicariously through their children, or to make money. I always pictured the kids as being resentful for being forced to sit through photo shoots or learn scripts.

Well…as you know, my mom or my hubby take all my photos for the blog, so Bella is always around during photoshoots. I noticed that she started mimicking my poses, and trying to mug for the camera. I did a trial photoshoot with her one day, and she just lit up for the camera!


The next day after taking this set of photos, we took Bella to the Pajama Jam at the Natural Science Center. While we were there, so many parents told us that Bella should model. I’d always scoffed at suggestions like that in the past, but for some reason, I felt as though maybe we should give it a try.

I went home and created Bella an Instagram account: BundleOfBella. I went to bed, and when I woke up the next morning, Bella had already received DM’s asking her to be a brand rep!

We are super excited to share Bella’s journey into being an influencer and a model! Please check Bella’s Corner (under the Mommyhood tab) regularly to see her brand collaborations and to shop her looks! Follow along on her Instagram, and be sure to subscribe to my blog for the latest updates!


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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