Not Necessarily An Empty Nest: What Can You Expect From Your Child That’s Going To College?


Motherhood is a lifetime of dizzying highs and extreme lows; after all, the people you love most in the world grow up and end up flying the coop. When your child goes off to college, there can be very mixed emotions. From elation that you’ve got a spare room in the house now, but also that your baby is all grown up and moving on in life. So, from the moment they move out, to the day the graduate, what can you expect?

 They Will Still Lean On You

Do you remember when you were younger and you flew the nest, you felt unstoppable and invincible? But then, life bit you on the behind, and the same is going to happen to your little baby. They are going to lean on you throughout the whole of their time in college, so don’t feel like you are useless just yet. You’re going to have to help them move in, because they don’t have that all important life experience just yet. They are just about learning to find their feet. So, you have the knowledge to impart on them. In fact, the whole moving process can dawn on your child’s how much are the big leap they’re making in life. So, during this process, they might feel particularly stressed. There are always moving firms like QSHARK-MOVINGto make everything a little bit easier if you need professional help. They will rely on you to provide that little more support, and moving day is one of those times that you can provide a shoulder to cry on.

 They Will Get Unhealthy

They don’t have the comfort of your home cooking, so it’s inevitable that they will feast on pizzas and French fries, for, at least, the first 6 months. It’s best to let them continue down this path, and they’ll soon yearn for your meals that made them feel sated and healthy. Before they head off, you can give them a crash course in how to cook some basic, yet healthy, meals. A one-pot pasta dish with tuna and tomato puree is quick and simple, and is very cheap. But while they begin to find their feet in the kitchen; they will have more than their fair share of unhealthy foods.

 Don’t Clear Their Stuff Out Just Yet!

The way it used to be, once your kid went off to college, they never came back. Nowadays, it’s more than likely they will come back home because everything is just too expensive now. Don’t feel tempted to clear out their room just yet, because it’s more than likely they will return home. And even if they don’t, it means they are making a success of their life sooner than anticipated.

 It’s a strange feeling to see your baby grow up and head off to college, but it’s a part of life. You need to begin the process of letting them go, and this is one of the perfect opportunities. Yes, you may feel more than a tinge of sadness, but this is a part of life that you knew was coming. And as heartbreaking as it can be to see them leave, your relationship will more than likely improve as a result, and that sense of pride you will feel on graduation day will more than make up for your sadness.



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