This post was originally published on August 13, 2017 and revised on March 1, 2019.
I remember my 1st blog post like it was just yesterday. Before I hit publish, I felt that blogging would be a natural fit for me: I love writing, fashion, and I’m obsessed with beauty and skincare. Blogging should be easy right? Wrong.
I quickly learned that all of those beautiful bloggers I follow on Instagram have clearly devoted a lot of time, money, and energy into their craft, and should definitely be respected! Blogging is hard y’all! Read on for some of my struggles. But don’t worry…it gets positive at the end, and I’m not going anywhere! We’re in for a long, fashionable ride together!
The Photos
I. Am. Not. A. Model. I feel like I need to repeat that like 10,000 times!!! I have so much respect for people that can turn it out on a photo shoot! I have shot so many outfit pics only to have discard all of them, because I have no idea of how to pose, or what to do with my hands! ? Some of the difficulties I’ve faced include having to work around my “almost apple” shape; my lack of jawline which makes my face look like it’s melting in some shots, with Jabba the Hut level double chin action in others; when I do get a great shot of my face, the clothes aren’t displayed in the best light. Oh, that reminds me, the lighting situation is hard when you have dark skin! You seriously have to catch that magical right before sunset light, or the shadows are insane!!!
The Time Crunch
I work full time in a very demanding profession. Many times I’m out the door at 8am and I don’t get back home until 8pm. But hey, I’m saving children’s lives, so it’s all worth it! The only problem is that when I get home, I’m so exhausted I rarely even feel like eating dinner, much less cranking out a blog post, and I love blogging! Finding the right balance can be hard.
Cost and ROI
Ok, so I had a major shopping addiction before I started blogging, and y’all should know by now that I love my handbags! (post on how I managed to obtain 2 Hermes Birkins is coming soon!) But it’s scary to invest money into blogging knowing that there might not be a Return On Investment. In order to combat this fear, I’ve kept my overhead low. And for now, my mom or my hubby capture all of my looks using an iPhone camera! We’ve made a plan to only spring for a fancy DSLR camera and pay for professional branding when my blog reaches a certain amount of readership.
Balancing Bloggin’ and Family
As I shared here, I was blessed with my baby girl, Bella, 18 months ago! Bella is very independent and is not clingy or whiny, but every so often she will snatch my phone from my hand, when I’m typing a post, and give me a look like “it’s my time mom!” It makes me feel guilty, because Bella is my whole world, and I never want her to feel that blogging comes before her. My husband understands my goals, and is supportive, but I still try to make sure that I’m not putting blogging in front of my family.
The Comparison Game
It’s so hard to see some of the popular bloggers and not feel like a failure in comparison. I am not blogging to make money, so I’m not intimidated by their financial success, but rather how they always look so effortless, with perfect curls, and innovative ways of putting outfits together. I often feel that I have nothing to add to the blogging community. But then I remember that I have my own voice, and that my blog is not about perfection, and that’s ok! I write my blog for people like me: who are not thin, who are not the most glamorous, and who struggle with piecing outfits together even though they have a closet full of clothes!
So those are the 5 struggles I’ve encountered thus far. (I didn’t bother to include the mental strain of SEO…cuz I’m sure even the most seasoned bloggers still struggle with that!) But I’m still posting away! I may not be the typical blogger in terms of appearance or style, but gosh darn it, I love beautiful things, and affordable basics, and I’m going to keep sharing them with the world, and inspiring whomever I can along the way! I hope that you guys will subscribe to my blog, and follow me as I continue to grow! I look forward to your advice, your unique opinions, and your friendship!

See ya next time!
August 14, 2017 at 10:31 am
I was moved how honest you were about how blogging can impact your life. It reminded us life is a balancing act no matter what you do. I know your strength and determination will lead you to that blogging success you desire. Thanks for sharing your truth.
August 14, 2017 at 12:59 pm
Keep on pushing and you will be a success. XOXO
August 14, 2017 at 6:42 pm
A beautiful, honest, and open truth. Blessings in your journey.
August 16, 2017 at 3:43 pm
I really want into blogging but yours captivated me…honesty and truth…
August 16, 2017 at 11:46 pm
I am so…. uggghhhh! I can’t even explain it. Your post was so candid, real, captivating! I truly felt connected to you via your post. I could/can feel your passion and I love it! Will definitely share with others! Keep it up and keep writing!
August 17, 2017 at 1:38 am
Simply Awesome…