Tips for keeping on top of the housework with kids

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If you are struggling to keep on top of your housework and have kids, know you are not alone. Children take up a lot of your time and often the housework will be one of the last things you are thinking of – especially after a long day of looking after them.

Spending time hoovering, folding clothes, sorting out which plumbers to get in and cleaning the bathroom are often on the list of things to-do, however with great intentions of doing them, do get missed and left for another day. However, with a slight change to your routine, there are a few tips that you can do to help keep on top of your housework. 

From keeping your baby/toddler busy, to delegating tasks and reducing your expectations, below we have put together a guide on three different tips to keeping on top of the housework with kids.

Keep your baby/toddler busy

Often when you have a baby or toddler, the mindset is that you need to spend every second with them, entertaining them. There is however some flexibility to this. In most cases, at some points during the day, your baby or toddler will be able to entertain themselves – whether that be playing with their toys on the rug or watching some tv (Miss Rachel is great for baby’s on Youtube). At this point, get a coffee pod from your coffee pod holder, make a coffee and try and fit some of your housework tasks before they get fed up with entertaining themselves. Put a wash on, hoover one of your rooms or simply put away some of the toys they are no longer using. 

Delegate tasks

Sometimes the easiest way to get tasks done is to delegate them to others. This way you have a set of tasks to complete in the week and so does the other person who helps look after your little ones. In order to keep on top of the house work, try to set tasks that you both can do. Make them realistic and achievable, this way you can feel proud once done. Even the smallest of tasks can make the difference and a tidy home will help provide them the perfect environment. There are plenty of apps that you can use so that you remember what tasks each person has to do. 

Reduce your expectations 

Remember to give yourself a break and to reduce your expectations. Having a child is not an easy task and can take up a lot of your time. Your levels of tidiness before having a child can be different. Don’t be as strict on yourself, set yourself achievable tasks and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t manage to do all of them. Having a few tasks done in a week is better than none, plus even the smallest change can make a big difference. 


What tips do you have for keeping on top of the housework with kids? Which of the above tasks did you find most useful? Is there anything you would like to add to our list above? Let us know in the comment box below. 


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

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