Traveling With Baby In Tow: Things You Need To Know Before You Go

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Many people avoid traveling with a baby, and to be honest, we understand why. As a parent, you want to keep your child safe, so taking them away from a comfortable home environment is a bit of a risk. Then there’s the embarrassment of baby threatening to bring the plane down through incessant crying, extra bags that need to be packed, and the possible lack of baby-changing facilities in foreign countries. It’s a challenge!

If you are insistent on traveling with your baby, however, there are a few things you need to know. Hopefully, you will then be prepared for the journey ahead of you.

  • Packing won’t be light. You might be able to pack lightly for yourself, but your baby will require a lot of things for the trip. From fresh clothes to baby foods, check out this packing checklist to help you prepare for the trip. Be prepared to pay an extra fee for luggage too, especially when bringing car seats and baby strollers with you, as many airlines operate baggage restrictions. Check with your airline beforehand so you know what to expect.


  • Other people aren’t very tolerant. Remember what we said about your baby’s crying bringing the plane down? Well, nothing that drastic will happen, but you might have to put up with complaining passengers. While you could tell them where to stick their complaints, you should also take measures to make the trip a peaceful one. This includes bringing toys with you to keep your little one entertained, as well as a child-friendly tablet loaded with educational apps to divert their attention. Sticking to regular feeding times is a must too, so ensure you have everything you need to satisfy your baby’s hunger.


  • You need to prepare for health risks. Your baby’s health is paramount, so you need to take measures to care for them. This includes getting them vaccinated before you travel abroad, so talk to your doctor about the shots they think are required. We also recommend baby ear protection, as this will shield your baby’s sensitive lug holes from loud noises at the airport and beyond. You should also carry plenty of water and food with you from your home country, especially when you are visiting a country that may not have the same hygiene standards that you are used to. Not only is this useful for preventing stomach bugs, but if you have a fussy child, they might not take a liking to different brands of food in another country.


  • The hotel needs to be child-friendly. Okay, most hotels are child-friendly, but it’s always worth checking when you’re making a booking. You don’t want to be turned away upon arrival, after all. You should also ask for a room that is away from the majority of guests, as you don’t want to annoy other people with the noise your baby might create. And check facilities too, including baby changing and daycare, to ensure you have everything you need to make your stay complete.


We haven’t covered everything here, but we hope our tidbits of advice have been useful to you. Traveling with a baby can be tough,  but so long as you are fully prepared for the journey, your life will be an easier one. Let us know what you think, and please share your own hints and tips with us if you have any. Thanks for reading!


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