6 Tips To Help Your Slow Learner Child

A slow learning child hits his or her developmental markers at a slower rate than their peers. While some people may associate slow learning with incompetency and the unwillingness of the child to learn, neither of these assumptions is true. It is essential to keep in mind that every child learns and develops at their own pace, and some children may take a longer time to grasp concepts than others. 

If you suspect that your child is a slow learner, there are some strategies that you can apply to improve their learning curve. They include the following: 

slow learner

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Teach the Child Through Direct Instruction

The direct instruction method involves teaching the child exactly what he or she needs to learn. It is proven to assist slow learners because the information is presented through well-tested materials, such as hi book, that minimize the possibility of confusion and misinterpretation. 

Through the direct instruction method, the child is shown precisely how to apply the information. Patterns and language rules are taught explicitly, meaning that the child doesn’t have to struggle to figure out how to spell or read words that they may find challenging. 

Be Supportive

Instead of harshly reprimanding a slow learner child whenever they make a mistake, teach them to learn from their failures. Encourage the child to learn and explore at their own pace until they emerge successfully. 

Ensure that you are vocally supportive of their learning curve and teach them through oral assignments aligned with their competency. 

Choose an Incremental Approach to Lessons

Incremental learning involves starting with the most basic skills as you gradually move towards the advanced skills. Here, each lesson is built on the previously mastered material as complexity increases gradually. 

The incremental mode of instruction provides a “no gaps approach,” which entails learning a new piece of knowledge at a time in a well-thought-out logical sequence. This approach can help your child climb to the top of the learning ladder and learn how to spell and read without any struggles. 

Encourage Peer Tutoring

One of the most effective strategies for slow learners is peer tutoring. If your child is a slow learner, encourage him or her to study in groups. It helps them to gain more confidence as they interact with other children their age. 

Understand the Importance of Multisensory Instruction

Multisensory learning involves using various senses such as sound, touch, and sight to convey new information. Your child is likely to learn best when all their senses are involved. He or she is likely to retain the new information if they can see the concept being explained, hear about it, and then practice it through hands-on activities. 

For instance, a multisensory spelling session allows your child to see the word being spelled out through letter tiles, see and hear a demonstration of the spelling taking place, and try out spelling the new word by themselves by manipulating the spelling tiles. 

Praise and Reward

You might be surprised at how much a little motivation can help a slow learner child to perform better. To encourage them to continue learning, it is essential to acknowledge even their most minor victory and ensure that you reward them for every milestone. 

Teaching a slow learner can be a challenging task. Apply the above tips to make it easier for your child to grasp new concepts. 



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