The Power of Peace of Mind… And How to Achieve it in Uncertain Times

This current pandemic is enough to test even the strongest resolve, and weaken our peace of mind. We’re facing the most serious threat to public health in living memory, and taking drastic measures to flatten the infection curve and protect as many people as possible. And while the governments of some nations have demonstrated the ability to handle the crisis with aplomb (New Zealand, for instance, has recorded only one death from COVID-19), the current administration’s efforts have done little to inspire confidence. At the time of writing, the President of the United States has speculated that people injecting themselves with disinfectant might curb the virus. Yup, that’s something that’s actually happened. 

peace of mind
The disinfectant jokes write themselves at this point. (And yes, that’s my Twitter! Be sure to follow me!)

Don’t do that. Obviously.

Still, regardless of where you live or where your political affiliations lie, you could desperately use some peace of mind. And it’s up to you to be proactive about achieving it!

peace of mind Image by Foundry via Pixabay

Too much worrying really is going to make it worse!

These are stressful times, to be sure. And while it behoves us to keep up with current events, an excess of stress can be hugely detrimental to our mental and physical health. Chronic stress can even impair your immune function and make you more vulnerable. Of course, it’s almost impossible to make yourself stop feeling stressed. So, invest your efforts instead into giving yourself peace of mind. Feeling like you’re safe, comfortable and reassured will lower your stress levels and help you to make it through the lockdown with a smile.

Keep your home clean, tidy and safe

Ridding your home of clutter, cleaning every available surface and disinfecting thoroughly won’t just make your home look and smell great. It’ll make it a much prettier and more satisfying and relaxing place to spend your days, too. Still, germs aren’t the only things that might be trying to get into your home at this time. If you’re looking for extra peace of mind, you might be thinking “Can a locksmith near me still make house calls?” or “Could my windows be more secure?” Both are likely to be true, by the way. The sad truth is that while crime is down generally, some criminals are using the lockdown to their advantage and in some areas burglaries and car thefts are actually rising sharply.

Look after your mind and body

We’re all a little paranoid about what’s going on inside our bodies right now. So be sure to treat yours to some TLC. Make sure you get as much exercise as you feel comfortable doing (especially heading outside for a walk once a day). Spend time in the garden if you have one and get stuck into a good book. You already know that I’ve been listening to BTS nonstop to keep my spirits up! While you’re at it, get stuck into some delicious healthy foods! One good thing about this lockdown is that we’re all eating a lot more wholefoods, eating less processed junk and cooking more from scratch. And if you’re doing all this (and avoiding excessive caffeine and blue light from screens) you should be able to sleep like a baby at night. If not, this always helps me!

Check in with your friends regularly

Finally, when we’re isolated we tend to catastrophize and feel as though we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. We convince ourselves that we are unique in our suffering and that makes us feel even worse. This is why it’s so important to make time to call or video chat with friends. They help you to feel less alone, ease your paranoia and help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

What are some of the ways you’ve been able to cope during this pandemic and subsequent quarantine/social distancing? Share the ways you keep your peace of mind below!


Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

One comment

  1. Good Tips! I think meditating regularly also makes lots of difference to our mental state. I have been practicing mindful meditation since past many years and it has made me calmer.

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