It’s clear that there are many benefits to having a loft conversion, but there are also lots of things to consider before you go ahead with one. You wouldn’t want to spend all that time, effort, and money, not to mention the disruption a loft conversion will cause while it’s being done, only to find you forget one important element or neglect to think about something crucial. Read on to discover what you’ll need to think about before getting a loft conversion to ensure you get it right the first time.
Windows And Natural Light
One of the great things about having a loft conversion is that there isn’t usually a lot of work to do when it comes to making provisions to include plenty of natural light. You’re already in the roof of the property, and adding windows isn’t a difficult addition, but it can make a huge amount of difference in the room itself, turning it from a dark loft space into an area you could imagine using in your day to day life.
Skylights are very popular when it comes to loft conversions because they don’t require any special casings or the shape of the roof to be changed. Instead, they can be added to a slanted roof and will give you all the natural light you might need. Some skylights can even be opened (either mechanically or electronically), so you can get good airflow during the summer (remember, heat rises, and the loft conversion may become the warmest room in the house which isn’t always a good thing – anything you can do to prevent this is a good idea). Remember, though, before you make any changes to your roof, it’s a good idea to have experts such as Equity Roofing check things over.
Structural Integrity
Most people assume that getting a loft extension is simply about adding more space to your existing property. However, what they don’t consider when deciding that this is a great idea is that it will add extra weight to your property, and that means you need to be sure that the structural integrity of your home is sound.
The best way to do this is to have an expert check your foundations. They’ll need to check the strength and depth of the foundations because it is the foundation that will carry the extra weight of a loft conversion. It might not seem like a lot of extra weight, but even the slightest increase can make a big difference.
If the building’s foundations need to be underpinned to support your loft conversion, you’ll need to add a significant amount of money to your budget.
Head Height
Some lofts are smaller than others, and because of this, some lofts won’t make good loft conversions, at least when we’re talking about height. The minimum height from the floor to the tallest part of the roof must be 2.2m since this will make the room usable and fit for human habitation. Anything less than this height may require additional work, and again this will add to the cost of the loft conversion. Don’t forget that there are also other essential elements within your loft that can take up a lot of your space, such as water tanks and water heaters. You’ll also need a staircase – a proper one, not just a ladder – to get up there. Taking all this into account means you might not have as much space as you thought you would.