Stitch Fix: Is It Worth Trying? (Part 1)

Stitch Fix

I know what you’re thinking. Why should I waste my hard earned money on a personal stylist or yet another subscription box service? Well, to be honest, I felt the same way…until I tried Stitch Fix!

Over the years I’ve been able to develop a good sense of my personal style, and what works well for my body type.  I adore off-the-shoulder cuts, feminine details, and lots of color! The problem I tend to run into, as I mentioned here, is that it is sometimes hard to find good pieces that will work with my wardrobe due to my weight and body shape (apple-ish?) I have always been in that awkward lane between “too chunky for straight sizes“, but “not quite chunky enough for all plus size cuts.”  As such, it has been far too easy for me to stick to tried and true stores, cuts, and styles. Sometimes, even a Suburban Socialite needs help breaking out of a style rut! Enter Stitch Fix!

Stitch Fix package

Getting Started with Stitch Fix

I first heard about Stitch Fix through a TV Commercial, and I was intrigued at the concept of a stylist picking out clothing that I could try out at home, and return the selected items (FOR FREE) if I didn’t like them.  After seeing more ads on Instagram, I decided to click and learn more. I am so glad that I did because my impressions of Stitch Fix have been highly positive!

You can sign up for Stitch Fix multiple ways:

You can go online to, and you will be prompted to create an account, OR you can login through your Facebook page, as shown here:

signing up for Stitch Fix

Get Mobile

You can also download the Stitch Fix app for your smartphone, which is very user-friendly, and is actually what I used to request my Fix!

Take Your Style Quiz

Once you have created your account you will be able to take a Style Quiz.  This step is where I became really impressed. Y’all this quiz is so detailed that if the Stitch Fix stylists can’t nail your personal style, no one can! They start by asking general questions about your height and weight, but then they get really detailed: You’ll answer questions about your body type (apple, pear, rectangle, etc.), waist level (high, medium, low), and any preferences you have with baring certain body parts (arms, back, etc.). All of these questions help the Stitch Fix stylists to build your Personalized Style Profile.

After you’ve answered the questions about your body and style, you will then be presented with examples of outfits that you can rank according to your style preferences! I’ve provided an example from my style quiz below!

Stitch Fix Style quiz


When you’ve completed all of your Style Profile Questions, you’ll be assigned your very own Personal Stylist through Stitch Fix, who will curate a Fix, or outfit pairing, based on your Style Quiz preferences. You are also encouraged to provide your stylist with your social media accounts or personal websites (this is not required), so that your stylist can get an idea of how you look, your overall body proportions, and your current style. I think this is a really great feature!

Schedule Your Fix!

If you choose to Schedule a Fix, over the next few days, your Stitch Fix Stylist will choose 5 hand-selected pieces of clothing and deliver them straight to your door via courier!

Stitch Fix


Once your package arrives, tear into it with bated breath (I know I did! ?) and revel in how perfectly your stylist assessed your personal style, and chose items that you are sure to love!

Liking what you see? Click here for Part 2, which discusses pricing, and the Stitch Fix Items that I received, and how I wore or will wear them!

Click here for a general FAQ on Stitch Fix!

*Dont need to see anything further? If you’re ready to start a new style journey, click the Get Started button below!


See you next time! (But don’t forget to check out Part 2!)

*Thank you to Stitch Fix for sponsoring this post!





Fashion, Lifestyle, and Travel blogger, based in NC.

One comment

  1. I’m ready to try it out! Thanks for the review!

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