What Is Curb Appeal?

It’s one of the biggest questions that a homeowner has before they go to sell their home: what is curb appeal? It’s a valid question, but you have to first put yourself in the shoes of the regular person on the street before you answer it. When you walk down a street with beautiful houses, tidy lawns and trees lining either side, there is a satisfaction and awe in it. You want to be a part of that street because it looks like the type of street that has residents that care for their local surroundings. 

This is the feeling that you want to generate in the people who walk past your house. You want them to look at your home and feel like they are in the right place and that starts with your exterior. You need to know that curb appeal is more than a fresh coat of paint on the fencing. It’s tree care and lawn care, driveway remodeling and more. It’s putting the effort into redoing the fixtures and fittings of your home exterior and knowing that people will see them and wish they could live there, too. You need to do all you can to improve the outside of your home and here are five reasons that curb appeal really does matter.

curb appeal

Image Source: Pexels

It makes an impression 

If you want people to look at your house and say ‘wow’, then curb appeal has to be a priority of yours. If your house is covered in broken, dirty brickwork and the landscape is less than desirable, then the most important thing that you need to do is start working on the exterior of the house. You want to make a good first impression, and it starts with clearing the clutter and washing down the front of the house.

You’ll increase property value

If you start to improve the exterior of the house, you’re going to immediately be able to grow your home’s property value. Adding curb appeal will increase your house value, and it will help you to sell your house much faster, too, because buyers will be desperate to move in!

You will attract buyers

You need an attractive home for people to want to move in, right? Well, the best way to do that is to ensure that you can make your home attractive enough for buyers to be there in the first place. An exterior that is well-maintained will help you to see that the rest of the house will be appreciated, too.

You’ll save energy

If you have a clear outside of your home, you’re going to have a house that’s saving energy. Trees and shrubs that are well maintained can keep your home cool if it’s unbearably hot under sunlight. This will reduce your AC use and that will save you energy bill.

You’ll protect your home

Every single homeowner wants to protect their home and when you add curb appeal, you can ensure that your house is protected when you have strong fencing and high hedges. 



One comment

  1. Oh right, the improvement of the house’s exterior is important since it’s the first people see, and it affects the general impression. If you live in a private home, you may want to install some kind of water feature to attract potential buyers. It can be a small pond (there are many DIY options on the Internet), a fountain, or even a swimming pool. By the way, houses with pools usually look more luxurious, and people are willing to pay more.

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